Toe Disorders & Injuries Treated by Orthopedist in Pasadena, CA
Does foot pain prevent you from participating in activities you enjoy? Treatment is available – and efficacious. Multiple methods may be used to help you return to your normal activity level – including conservative and surgical interventions.
At Pasadena Orthopedics, we know that foot pain--even in a tiny toe--can be a big problem when it comes to maintaining daily activities and enjoying sports and physical hobbies. That's why our team of orthopedic doctors and surgeons includes a podiatrist. Dr. Sara Shirazi treats patients who present with toe conditions of all kinds to ensure the greatest chance of maintaining healthy feet at all ages and at all activity levels.
At Pasadena Orthopedics, we know that foot pain--even in a tiny toe--can be a big problem when it comes to maintaining daily activities and enjoying sports and physical hobbies. That's why our team of orthopedic doctors and surgeons includes a podiatrist. Dr. Sara Shirazi treats patients who present with toe conditions of all kinds to ensure the greatest chance of maintaining healthy feet at all ages and at all activity levels.