Hip Doctors and Surgeons Treating Hip Pain in Pasadena, CA
Hip pain can have many causes and treatments, all of which we at Pasadena Orthopedics are equipped to explore at our state-of-the-art orthopedic center with some of the top orthopedic doctors and surgeons in the Pasadena area, including Glendale or San Gabriel Valley.
Some common causes of hip pain include:
The range of treatments available for each of these conditions depends on the severity of the condition. Treatment can range from physical therapy and injections to surgical intervention and hip replacement.
Some common causes of hip pain include:
- Fractures caused by Osteoporosis (Bone density loss)
- Osteoarthritis (Cartilage loss)
- Hip Fracture (In or near the hip joint)
- Pulled Groin Muscles (A common sports medicine injury)
- Torn Labrum (A ring of cartilage in the hip)
- Tendinitis (Inflamed tendons)
- Bursitis (Inflamed or ruptured bursa sac)
- Hip Impingement (Abnormal hip joint shape from high-intensity activities)
- Sciatica (Sciatic nerve irritation through the lower back, pelvis, and legs)
The range of treatments available for each of these conditions depends on the severity of the condition. Treatment can range from physical therapy and injections to surgical intervention and hip replacement.