Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment, Including Surgery, at Pasadena Orthopedics
When you step on a garden hose, you cut off the flow of water. When you take your foot off the garden hose, the garden hose recovers – unless you stay on it for 10 years. Then it does not recover. The same thing happens with a nerve. Pressure on a nerve can compromise its blood supply. The treatment for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome consists of taking the pressure off of the nerve. Several forms of treatment may be helpful.
If you're looking for a doctor who treats carpal tunnel syndrome, the answer is easy: the top orthopedic doctors and surgeons at Pasadena Orthopedics.
While surgery is often an eventual treatment for moderate-to-severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, there are many non-invasive treatments as well, especially for those who haven't had the condition for very long. In this case, early intervention can help reduce pain and improve mobility, as well as delay or prevent surgical intervention.
If you're looking for a doctor who treats carpal tunnel syndrome, the answer is easy: the top orthopedic doctors and surgeons at Pasadena Orthopedics.
While surgery is often an eventual treatment for moderate-to-severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, there are many non-invasive treatments as well, especially for those who haven't had the condition for very long. In this case, early intervention can help reduce pain and improve mobility, as well as delay or prevent surgical intervention.