Fracture Care with Orthopedic Surgery Specialists, Pasadena, CA
Fractures can be disabling. Our orthopedic and podiatric physicians at Pasadena Orthopedics specialize in optimizing treatment for return of function as soon as possible. Some fractures require surgical intervention for optimal outcomes, but some fractures are best treated with other modalities. Whatever the path to healing, if you have a bone fracture, seeing a qualified, capable doctor is essential.
Some of the common types of fractures we treat include:
Some of the common types of fractures we treat include:
- Hand, elbow, and wrist fractures
- Foot and ankle fractures
- Tibia-fibula fractures (lower leg)
- Femur fractures (upper leg)
- Collarbone fractures
- Radius-ulna fractures (lower arm)
- Humerus fractures (upper arm)
- Scapula fractures (shoulder blade)